Blog, Poker Resorts

The Gambling Capitol of the World Where’s the Action? Las Vegas? Not even close. Macau, the mini-administrative region under the Chinese government’s control, h enter site as long been referred to as the “Monte Carlo of the Orient.” But its numbers are much larger than that. It not only dwarfs Las Vegas, but exceeds the entire gambling total of the USA! This former Portuguese colony generates gross revenue of $28 billion vs. Las Vegas’ $6.5 billion, although there are only 49 casinos compared to more than twice as many in Sin City; and, in an area 1/10 the size and approximately 1/3 of the population. Annual visitors number 30 million, 2/3 from China, contributing to over 40% of Macau’s GDP. It has now earned the title of the “Las Vegas of Asia.”

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